>Dr. Date,
I live in the dorms at the U and have a huge crush on one of the CA’s … we’ll call him “Phil.” I think we might be mutually into each other, but there is one problem, “Phil” is quitting his duties as CA after graduating this semester and taking a seven month journey around the world. Help me Dr. Date! What’s a girl to do?
– Silly over Philly
Dear Silly over Philly,
You’ve got one month left. Ready? Go!
If you think this is truly a mutual attraction that could turn out to be a long-term thing, then you need to explore it before he leaves for his journey.

But if you’re questioning your feelings for him and you’re not too sure this relationship could last as a seven-month, long-distance romance, then you need to move on and find someone new.
It’s really hard to have a long-distance relationship – especially if it’s going to be in the beginning stages. So if you’re absolutely positive he’s the one and you can make it work, then make your move.
– Dr. Date
Dear Dr. Date,
Every Monday night, I do my laundry down in the basement of Pioneer Hall. It seems to be a habit for me. When it started out, I seemed to always be alone down there when I’m cleaning my clothes, that is until the last few times I’ve been there and these same two girls start doing their laundry.
I started to say “hi” to them, I don’t know their names, but the two of them seem to kinda be showing off their stuff. Among their usual laundry clothes, they always seem to be dropping thongs and bras on the floor around me. Then, they bend down to pick it up and give me a coy smile.
They don’t talk to each other really, but seem to make sure I’m able to watch them fold their dirty little things. Are they trying to get in my pants? What should I do?
– Feeling dirty
Dear Feeling dirty,
You do your laundry every Monday? Are you sure you’re not the one looking to hookup?
If a girl is interested in you, she’ll become your stalker. You might not notice it, but she knows your schedule, she knows your favorite food is pizza and your favorite color is green – and she makes sure she’s around when you are.
Are you attracted to either of these girls? If so, then you best be gettin’ your game on. One of these girls is obviously interested in you. There’s probably two of them because the one who likes you is shy and she needs a friend with her to scope you out.
Tonight, when you’re doing your laundry, strike up a conversation with the girls and feel them out. You’ll be able to tell the one who likes you because she won’t make eye contact, she’ll probably blush and she most likely won’t talk a whole lot.
– Dr. Date
Dear Dr. Date,
I broke up with my boyfriend, “Rick,” a couple of months ago because it wasn’t working out anymore. I dated “Jason” after I broke up with Rick and we ultimately decided it was best that we stay friends.
However, I’ve been going through a dry spell of sorts so lately I’ve been wanting some loving, if you know what I mean. I know for a fact that Rick and Jason aren’t dating any girls right now because I’m still friends with them. I’m not interested in getting back together with either of them, I just think it would be nice to fool around with them again.
Well, I’ve never done a booty call before. Are there “rules” to booty calls?
I’m desperate for some help.
– Booty call virgin
Dear Booty call virgin,
Are you sure you want to booty call some guys you’re friends with and have dated before? Don’t you think things might get a little messy?
But for you, because you’re a booty call virgin, I’ll give you the low-down on the rules of booty calling. This calls for a list.
The Top 10 rules of booty calls:
10) Only call after 2 a.m. – aka bar close.
9) No feelings can be involved.
8) Play Barry White. He always gets
people in the mood.
7) Dim the lights. It’s highly probable either you or your partner is ugly.
6) No snuggling.
5) Don’t call the same partner more than once in a week.
4) No kissing.
3) Never say “I love you.”
2) Don’t cry.
1) If you don’t like it, don’t call.
– Dr. Date
Dear Dr. Date,
My love life is in shambles! I like a guy who dated a good friend of mine. She moved south for grad school, and they broke up. I didn’t notice him until about a month ago, and we ended up messing around last weekend.
This weekend she came up to visit and I found out they’ve been “together” the whole time. I feel bad because I don’t want to hurt my friend, but I really like him at the same time.
I know there is obvious attraction AND the possibility that we might mess around again because we have mutual friends, and I see him quite frequently. Obviously, he’s not in love with her, if he’s messing around with me. Do I really want to date someone who’d cheat on his girlfriend?
– Cheater cheater pumpkin eater
Dear Cheater cheater pumpkin eater,
Guess what. He doesn’t respect you. It looks as if he’s the kind of guy who was looking for some fun and he’d take it from anywhere he could get it.
He doesn’t see you as special – especially because he’s back with his real girlfriend.
He’s a cheater and you need to forget about him. Just because you’re attracted to him doesn’t make him a great guy. He only wants your body.
Find a single guy who won’t make you sell yourself short or make you his second best.
– Dr. Date