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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Society won’t sit on pot much longer

Published February 25, 1997

It's hard not to encounter marijuana at most college parties these days. As the evening passes and the alcohol loosens everyone up, someone will inevitably get out a small, self-rolled cigarette. That...

Women’s basketball team sees little improvement

by Aaron Kirscht
Published February 25, 1997

It's doubtful that the Gophers women's basketball team ever expected to go into the Big Ten tournament, which begins this weekend, as a favorite. Then again, maybe they did. "I didn't know where'd we...

Professor’s work is a family affair

by Jacqueline Couillard
Published February 25, 1997

Door decorations outside of Professor of Chemistry George Barany's office speak volumes about his values. His children's drawings add color to the ivory wall on the right. Black-and-white clippings of...

Geometry funding at a downward angle

by Peter Kauffner
Published February 25, 1997

The University's Geometry Center specializes in techniques for visualizing abstract mathematical concepts. But more recently the center has found it necessary to visualize a future without federal funds. While...

Hasselmoaddressesongoing issues

by Jim Martyka
Published February 25, 1997

A steam plant, a $100 million lawsuit, admissions figures, tenure and the University's budget request could constitute a week's worth of seminars about University administration. But University President...

Jackson honored again by Big Ten

Published February 25, 1997

Gophers guard Bobby Jackson and Northwestern's Evan Eschmeyer were on Monday named co-Big Ten men's basketball players of the week. Jackson, a senior from Salisbury, N.C., averaged 16.5 points and six...

Gophers need one point to clinch second

by Michael Rand
Published February 25, 1997

Gophers hockey players and coaches talked at length on Saturday about how important their win and tie at Colorado College were in terms of establishing consistency and a good team atmosphere. But forget...

U Pass idea has successful precedents elsewhere

by Lynne Kozarek
Published February 25, 1997

With opponents already declaring the U Pass dead on arrival, its advocates might once again look to the success of similar programs at other schools to revive the proposal. The plan mirrors programs already...

U asking for more technology funding

by Chris Vetter
Published February 25, 1997

In a bit of last-minute campaigning for state funds, University administrators went before legislators Monday to again stress the importance of technological improvements on campus. The meeting before...

The winds of winter art not so unkind …

Published February 25, 1997

As a native Californian, I usually take a lot of heat about the weather this time of year from my friends back home. I get a lot of sympathy cards and phone calls from friends and family who can't imagine...

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