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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Lipica Shah, right, playing Shiv, and Andrew Guilarte, left, playing her father, rehearse at the Mixed Blood Theatre on Tuesday afternoon. "Shiv" is one part of the trilogy of plays, "Displaced Hindu Gods," based on the idea of displacing three Hindu deities into the contemporary Western world.

At Mixed Blood, identity in three parts

by Callie Sacarelos
Published October 3, 2013
Three plays at Mixed Blood Theatre address gender, heritage, super heroes and finding your place in the world.
Dancers Clifford Williams and Katie Deuitch rehearse “Edifice Wrecks,” a new work by Minnesota Dance Theater’s artistic director Lise Houlton in collaboration with Dane Stauffer on Tuesday at Cowles Center.

Minnesota Dance Theater blurs lines

by Joe Kellen
Published October 3, 2013
Minnesota Dance Theater concocts a witches’ brew of styles to kick off their season at the Cowles Center.
Adam Carolla continues to rant his way through all aspects of life.

Adam Carolla: A man’s show

by Spencer Doar
Published September 26, 2013
Adam Carolla is the same former carpenter that landed the miracle radio gig “Loveline” almost 20 years ago: snide, clever and nasally.
Derek Mears is more than growls and machetes.

Derek Mears at ComedySportz

by Spencer Doar
Published September 26, 2013
Derek Mears makes a living playing monsters and villains, all thanks to his love of comedy.
"Steerage Song" puts a microscope up to the world of Ellis Island and the powerful stories it holds.

Theater Latté Da prepares new musical “Steerage Song”

by Joe Kellen
Published September 26, 2013
Peter Rothstein and Dan Chouinard come together to musicalize Ellis Island.
Sun Mee Chomet rehearses for "How to Be a Korean Woman," a one-woman show written by Chomet in front of the Dowling Studio Theater at the Guthrie Theater on Tuesday, Sept. 17, 2013.

How to be a storyteller

by Joe Kellen
Published September 19, 2013
Sun Mee Chomet revisits “How to Be a Korean Woman” at the Guthrie Theater, sharing her story of adoption and how to grapple with identity.
A Gold mine of jokes

A Gold mine of jokes

by Spencer Doar
Published September 19, 2013
She’s appeared all over — an Emmy Award winner, biting comic voice and frustrated mother of two. Ladies and gentleman, here’s Judy Gold.
Performing artist AnnaMaria Koutsostamatis rehearses for the street festival and mask pageant, Uniquinox, on Tuesday afternoon at North Loop Playground in Minneapolis. Interact Center is known for its inclusivity for artists of all types of backgrounds.

Interact Theater brings back Uniquinox festival

by Joe Kellen
Published September 19, 2013
Scotty Reynolds and Taous Khazem lead Interact Center’s third Uniquinox project, combining dance parties, visual art and theater in a quest for community.
Daniel Polnau leans towards the darker parts of sideshow antics in "Stromboli's Medicine Show."

Heart of the Beast brings back “Strombolli’s Medicine Show”

by Joe Kellen
Published September 19, 2013
Daniel Polnau threatens to reinvent death itself in his revival of “Strombolli’s Medicine Show.”

Kyle Loven brings “Moon Show 143” to Dowling Studio

by Joe Kellen
Published September 12, 2013
Seattle-based theatermaker Kyle Loven examines how Earth’s natural satellite connects us all in “Moon Show 143.”

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