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Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Machine Gun Kelly is as brazen as his namesake.

Q&A: Machine Gun Kelly

by Spencer Doar
Published April 11, 2013
A&E spoke with rap’s young gunner, MGK, before his arrival in Minnesota for his “Lace up Tour.”

Dirty Donuts, back in action

by Patrick Maloney
Published April 11, 2013
After a house fire, the local independent pastry maker is finding her footing again

Q&A with a Doobie Brother

by Spencer Doar
Published April 4, 2013
A&E spoke with guitarist Tom Johnston who, 40 years and 30 million albums sold ago, co-founded the Doobie Brothers.

The Kids Grow Up

by Shannon Ryan
Published April 4, 2013
Cold War Kids’ frontman Nathan Willett recounts the band’s evolution of sound, fully recognizable in the latest album.

Keep it simple with Bad Bad Hats

by Patrick Maloney
Published April 4, 2013
“We just try to make it as catchy as possible,” said drummer Chris Hoge. “We’re just guitar, bass and drums; there’s not a lot you can do with that.”
Shannon Wettstein and Patti Cudd of Zeitgeist rehearses "Mikrophonie" on Tuesday, April 2, 2013, at Studio Z in St. Paul. A sound collage created with a variety of tools, the piece is centered around one gong.

Quartet brings ‘early music’ to life

by Joe Kellen
Published April 4, 2013
Zeitgeist dusts off grandfathers of electronic music for its festival.
Minneapolis singer-songwriter Chastity Brown rehearses with her band on Tuesday, April 2, 2013, at a studio in Northeast Minneapolis. She released her latest album, Backroads Highway, on March 24, 2013, and will be performing at the Cedar Cultural Center on Friday.

Taking the back roads with Chastity Brown

by Patrick Maloney
Published April 4, 2013
Although the singer-songwriter has been pegged in a number of genres, one thing’s for sure: She doesn’t write pop music.

The hitchhiker’s guide to Galactic

by Spencer Doar
Published April 4, 2013
Long-time funksters Galactic have found the recipe for success.

Quick Listen: Cold War Kids “Dear Miss Lonelyhearts”

by Patrick Maloney
Published April 1, 2013

  For the first twenty seconds of the new Cold War Kids CD, “Dear Miss Lonelyhearts”, which comes out Tuesday, April 2nd, you’ll swear that you’re listening to fun. The band,...

Lollapalooza 2013 would have been awesome in 2005

by Patrick Maloney
Published April 1, 2013

  Unlike this year’s Soundset festival, it looks like this year’s Lollapalooza is a winner. The bands aren't really "fresh," though; most of the bigger names haven't...

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