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Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Arts & Entertainment

University of Minnesota philosophy professor Roy Cook is currently a Lego ambassador and member of TwinLUG, a group of adult LEGO enthusiasts. Members of the group including Cook designed and use Micropolis, featured above, which allows individual builders to build modules and connect them to create a micro scale city.

A toy story: U professor has passion for Lego

by Spencer Doar
Published May 29, 2013
University professor Roy Cook’s interest in Lego pieces goes far beyond simple sets.
Ryan of the shadow cast for the Rocky Horror Picture Show plays Frank N Furter live during a midnight showing of the film on Sunday, May 26, 2013, at The Uptown Theater. The theater shows Rocky Horror on the last Saturday of every month and actors from the shadow cast, Transvestite Soup, perform along with the movie while screaming profanities and interacting with audience members throughout the film.

Trash Talk

by Joseph Kleinschmidt
Published May 29, 2013
At the Trylon’s showings of “Trash Film Debauchery,” you can freely launch your sarcastic remarks toward the silver screen.
Claps, a local Dark Wave, Post-Punk band play a dark, minimalistic style of synth pop music that is comparable to acts such as New Order and Cold Cave.

CLAPS won’t leave the basement

by Joseph Kleinschmidt
Published May 29, 2013
The synth trio CLAPS details their origins in new wave, the benefits of house shows and breaking down the barriers of electronic music.

Summer block parties in the Twin Cities

by Joseph Kleinschmidt
Published May 29, 2013
Festivus for the rest-of-us: Find the best of the local acts and big names outdoors in A&E’s 2013 guide to summer block parties.
Snoop Dogg performs live at Soundset on Sunday, May 26, 2013, at Canterbury Park.

Soundset 2013 rehashed

by Spencer Doar
Published May 27, 2013
A mixture of bangin’, high-fallutin’ and pop hip-hop made a dreary day in Shakopee worth the muddy extremities.

You’ve Got Mail

by Sarah Harper
Published May 9, 2013
An actor gives life to the letters of Tennessee Williams.

METZ means nothing

by Joseph Kleinschmidt
Published May 9, 2013
Drummer Hayden Menzies of the Toronto-based punk band reveals the story behind the group’s debut album cover and the name METZ.

Before “The Voice” with Nicholas David

by Shannon Ryan
Published May 9, 2013
Alt-soul singer Nicholas David discusses his origins in the music scene.
Freeman Ryan, Decarlo Jackson, Devante Jackson, and Zosha Warpeha of the PipJazz Youth All-Stars group play together on Tuesday, May 7, 2013, at the Dakota Jazz Club. A fundraiser for the Twin Cities Mobile Jazz Project will be hosted at the Dakota Jazz club from 4-7pm Thursday.

Local musicians put jazz on wheels

by Joe Kellen
Published May 9, 2013
Ex-Vice President of MCA Records Andre Fischer seeks to educate and invigorate the metro with the Twin Cities Mobile Jazz Project.

Nickatina addiction

by Spencer Doar
Published May 9, 2013
Long-time Bay-area rapper Andre Nickatina aims to keep it simple.

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