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Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Arts & Entertainment

Beyond the Crystal Ball

by Sara Nicole Miller
Published November 15, 2007
A new exhibit busts out the boldest and brightest artistic responses to a fractured world and gives so-called Realism a good run for its money.

Where Life Meets Style: Secrets and the city

by Aaron Leth
Published November 14, 2007

Given that the "U" boasts a student body size that rivals the populations of most of our hometowns, saying "people come from all over" to study here is a true understatement. As a blooming first-year,...

Cleaning the dirt from under the rug

by Stephanie Dickrell
Published November 8, 2007
A maid searches for the perfect joke instead of cleaning in a play at the Mixed Blood Theater.

Your Momma’s art in a strange land

by Becky Lang
Published November 8, 2007
Morbid teddies and pop-can continents may happen when art sets its sight on the familiar.

Math + rock = electrophoria

by Becky Lang
Published November 8, 2007
Battles attempts to out-'Helter Skelter' us with jams that really bring on the blisters.

Backstreet Boyz II Backstreet Men?

by Stephanie Dickrell
Published November 8, 2007
'Unbreakable' gives us exactly what they're good at: crooning and vocal harmonies.

Where Life Meets Style: Passing the bar

by Aaron Leth
Published November 7, 2007

Last week I mentioned how hard it can be to decide what to wear to certain functions, but this past weekend my skills were really tested. Well, not MY skills, but a few people and I at a birthday party...

The woman in the mirror

by Sara Nicole Miller
Published November 1, 2007
A collection at the Walker Art Center of Frida Kahlo's work showcases more than a turbulent life.

Easy listening: Classical music with Alex Ross

by Stephanie Dickrell
Published November 1, 2007
Alex Ross, listens to modern classical music to the sound of history's persistent march.

Dance, Dance, Death-Celebration

by Megan Kadrmas
Published November 1, 2007

How do you remember loved ones who have died? Do you set aside a day to remember them? A time to visit their graves? Do you sift through old photographs or make their favorite dishes? Leave their favorite...

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