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Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Campus Activities

Students watching the solar eclipse on Monday. Students viewed the April 8 solar eclipse in different ways, from viewing it at a University observatory to traveling into its path of totality for the maximum eclipse experience.

UMN students observe rare solar eclipse in Minnesota

by Amirah Razman
Published April 8, 2024

People across the country observed a rare solar eclipse on Monday with a path of totality, which provides the maximum viewing experience, spanning over 15 states. Most of Minnesota observed a partial...

Luminaries line the stairway at the Bell Museum for the fundraiser for Camp Kesem on Saturday. Kesem’s Make the Magic gala at the Bell Museum supports children whose parents have cancer by allowing them to attend Camp Kesem.

Kesem’s Make the Magic gala raises over $23,000

by Avery Vrieze
Published April 7, 2024
The gala, held at the Bell Museum in St. Paul, benefited children whose parents have cancer.
Goldy’s Prom was held at Goldy’s Gameroom and featured a dance floor, DJ and food.

Goldy’s first prom crowned

by Amelia Roessler
Published April 7, 2024
Friday unveiled Goldy’s Prom, hosted by Goldy’s Gameroom.
Mollie Ahsan, a UMN law graduate student in her final semester, poses for a photo. From working to self-care, UMN graduate students make sure to prioritize every aspect of their lives while balancing heavy coursework.

Inside a day in the life of a UMN graduate student

by Amirah Razman
Published April 7, 2024
UMN graduate students pursue many different fields of study. What does a school day look like for them?
See how Students for Reproductive Freedom puts reproductive health at the forefront of their mission.

UMN’s Students for Reproductive Freedom advocates for reproductive rights

by Sophie Eydis
Published April 7, 2024
The club partners with Planned Parenthood to educate and provide resources to the campus community.
The Ski-U-Mah sign at the Starbucks on Washington Avenue on Friday. Dakota language students fight to be heard about the impacts of the slogan “Ski-U-Mah.”

Uncovering the truth behind UMN’s famous ‘Ski-U-Mah’ chant

by Araia Breedlove
Published April 7, 2024
The University of Minnesota’s famous “Ski-U-Mah” chant, celebrated as a rallying cry of victory for the Gophers Athletic Program, has an untold history.
The art event took place on Tuesday in the Rapson Hall Courtyard.

College of Design prepares for upcoming Art 4 Shelter event

by Avery Vrieze
Published April 4, 2024
Participants made art for the auction, which benefits people who are experiencing homelessness.
The PELRA Coalition, which has been around for years, is working with the Minnesota Legislature to propose new PELRA guidelines for UMN employees that will allow them to form a union.

UMN employees advocate for the right to unionize

by Amirah Razman
Published April 4, 2024
UMN employees are looking to make changes to the Public Employment Labor Relations Act to allow the ability to join a union to fight for fair pay and working hours.
Sanford Hall on Friday. More than half of rape cases occur months or years before they are reported, due to many different reasons.

Residence hall rapes at highest percentage in recent years

by Amelia Roessler
Published April 3, 2024
While the total number of reported rape cases on campus is down from the last academic year, the rate of total cases happening in residence halls is increasing.
Inspired by the success of the Eras Tour, Taylor Swift-devoted student groups were formed this year.

UMN Swiftie groups to become “the 1” Taylor Swift fan group on campus

by Avery Vrieze
Published April 3, 2024
The groups plan to consolidate into one Swiftie supergroup in the near future.

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