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Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Attempted abduction reported in Marcy-Holmes, second in two weeks

by J.D. Duggan
Published March 2, 2020
The report comes on the heels of three other attempted abductions in the area.
Miniature  bronze replicas of local landmarks line the sidewalk at the Neighborhood Gateway in the Marcy Holmes neighborhood on Tuesday, Jan. 28.  The neighborhood provides housing for a significant number of University students.

New city guidelines base funding on demographic makeup of neighborhoods

by Brooke Sheehy
Published March 2, 2020
City of Minneapolis releases draft guidelines for Neighborhoods 2020 taking University research into account.
Sarah Mai

A gateway to campus: The vision for Stadium Village comes to fruition

by J.D. Duggan and Caitlin Anderson
Published February 27, 2020
A recent regents vote could shift a 3-million square foot area around Stadium Village, and the implications would likely last decades.
Community use organics drop-off bins are seen at Van Cleve Park on Friday, Feb. 21.

Contamination poses roadblock for Marcy-Holmes organics recycling

by Yves De Jesus
Published February 27, 2020
City officials are exploring at the possibility of adding organics in Holmes Park after receiving multiple requests from residents.
Kids enter the Brian Coyle Community Center on June 15, 2017.

Improvements delayed on Cedar-Riverside’s community center

by Brooke Sheehy
Published February 20, 2020
The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board will apply for funding in the 2021 legislative session after plans were delayed.
The Como Congregational Church stands amid freshly-fallen snow on Monday, Feb. 17.  The historic site faces the potential of being developed into an apartment building.

Development could replace historic Como church

by Caitlin Anderson
Published February 20, 2020
The historic Como Congregational Church would be demolished if plans for a residential development are approved.
The McDonald's located on the corner of Fourth Street Southeast and 15th Avenue Southeast as seen on Tuesday, Feb. 18.

City Council vote stalls development at Dinkytown McDonald’s site

by Caitlin Anderson
Published February 17, 2020
The city laid out three options for the development moving forward.
The Board of Regents meet about the East Gateway Project Resolution, on Friday, Feb. 14. The Board of Regents holds a meeting each month.

Regents approve plan to redevelop Stadium Village

by Caitlin Anderson
Published February 17, 2020
The redevelopment will transform much of the University's eastern portion of campus.
City seeks to deepen relationship with small businesses

City seeks to deepen relationship with small businesses

by Caitlin Anderson
Published February 13, 2020
Local business owners said the a new work group could help smaller establishments navigate unique challenges.
Senior Garrett Williams poses for a portrait in the basement of his former residence in the Marcy Holmes neighborhood on Saturday, Feb. 8.  The Miles Group owned property suffered from hazardous heating equipment, a partially collapsed ceiling and an overall lack of maintenance.

With laundry list of code violations, students voice concerns with The Miles Group

by Dylan Miettinen
Published February 13, 2020
Student complaints include security deposits, safety violations and squirrels in the home.

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