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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Editorial: Get vaccinated

by Daily Editorial Board
Published October 15, 2018
Flu season is on the horizon and Boynton Health offers free vaccination.

Letter to the Editor: The gray-haired gopher

by Letter to the Editor
Published October 15, 2018

It was almost serendipitous that I stumbled upon the Senior Citizen Education Program. There it was in an article about great education benefits for us older people. It doesn’t take much to explain SCEP:...

Letter to the Editor: Don’t punish pain

by Letter to the Editor
Published October 15, 2018

Few would argue the need for a solution to end the drug abuse and addiction that ravage our communities. But as lawmakers consider necessary legislative action, they must not forget their constituents...

Editorial: Show how powerful the student vote can be in November

by Daily Editorial Board
Published October 11, 2018
Voting remains a direct way to influence policy, both inside and outside elected office.

Letter to the Editor: West Bank “improvement district” sets forth misconceptions

by Letter to the Editor
Published October 11, 2018

The Oct. 8 article, "West Bank liaisons could improve security and livability of neighborhood," sets forth some misconceptions. Establishment of an "improvement district" would not require "support...

Venkata: Humans caused climate change, but we can also mitigate it

by Uma Venkata
Published October 11, 2018
Although the task of combating climate change seems daunting, there is still something to be done if we start immediately.

Ababiy: Internet access in rural Minnesota remains a key issue

by Jonathan Ababiy
Published October 11, 2018
Having sustainable internet in rural Minnesota can influence the economy and positively affect quality of life.

Schneider: We are never too young to respect one another and live a conscious life

by Ellen Schneider
Published October 8, 2018
In the aftermath of the Brett Kavanaugh nomination process, we must change how we live our lives.

Editorial: It is time to re-evaluate the CLA Language Requirements

by Daily Editorial Board
Published October 8, 2018
A shift from language to culturally-focused coursework would be a welcome change.

Letter to the Editor: On the minimum wage

by Letter to the Editor
Published October 8, 2018

Recently, there has been a push for a raise in student wages from the state minimum of $9.65 per hour to the current Minneapolis minimum of $11.25 per hour. Proponents claim this is justified out of student...

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