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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Haasch: Loving yourself, no matter how simple it seems, is a constant process

by Palmer Haasch
Published October 8, 2018
BTS’ “Love Yourself” tour focuses on empowering yourself through self-love.

Is exclusion a function of population?

by Letter to the Editor
Published October 4, 2018

Is exclusion a function of population? There is a magic at the flagship campus of the U of M. Every fall, scores of academics flock to this gargantuan University and revitalize the dreariness that is suffused...

Editorial: Student workers deserve a livable and higher wage

by Daily Editorial Board
Published October 4, 2018
A University Student Senate initiative hopes to increase student wages on campus.

Venkata: Incorporating a Marriage 101 should be a no-brainer

by Uma Venkata
Published October 4, 2018
Northwestern University to offer Marriage 101, which addresses relationships among other key issues.

Ababiy: Minneapolis 2040 housing plan is a step in the right direction

by Jonathan Ababiy
Published October 4, 2018
The latest draft of the Minneapolis Comprehensive Plan promising for Minneapolis housing market.

Editorial: Studying abroad, while encouraged, often cannot be financially viable

by Daily Editorial Board
Published October 1, 2018
The costs and fees of studying abroad need to be met with vigorous financial planning, and despite aid, often become overwhelming.

Schneider: The midterms and the #MeToo Movement matter; Jim Knoblach is why

by Ellen Schneider
Published October 1, 2018
Jim Knoblach, a state representative from the St. Cloud area has been accused of sexually abusing his daughter throughout her life.

Haasch: “Areas one and three” is the local creepypasta we deserve

by Palmer Haasch
Published October 1, 2018
As the tall tale spreads on r/UofM — the University of Minnesota subreddit — will never forget the 23 who were disposed of in Keller Hall.

Letter to the Editor – Boynton Health

by Boynton Health Service
Published September 27, 2018

To the Editor: We very much appreciate Monday’s editorial, Students should utilize University-sponsored mental health services (9/24/18). We believe student advocacy is reducing the stigma...

Editorial: Under-representation of student voices on the Presidential Search Committee is unacceptable

by Daily Editorial Board
Published September 27, 2018
With over 400 applicants yielding only two student representatives, the diverse opinions of the student body cannot be given full consideration.

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