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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


McCarthy: Exposing falsities on immigration and crime

by Kate McCarthy
Published September 28, 2017
How and why immigrants are helping reduce crime rates.

Ababiy: Tax the luxury apartments

by Jonathan Ababiy
Published September 28, 2017
Taxing luxury apartments to preserve affordable housing would be a way to preserve our communities while encouraging economic development.

Editorial: Campus policing statistics promising, yet issues arise

by Daily Editorial Board
Published September 28, 2017

Every fall, the campus at the University of Minnesota swells to the size of a small city as students pour into the campus from all over the world. This evidently leads to a higher volume of crime as the...

The front of Coffman Memorial Union as seen on Tuesday, Sept. 19.

Editorial: Renaming Coffman is necessary but insufficient

by Daily Editorial Board
Published September 25, 2017

The Coffman Memorial Union’s heritage courses through our campus history. It has long been a place for students to meet, and spend their time, immersed in the college experience. Various multicultural...

Ailts: How has being part of the iPhone generation shaped us?

by Ellen Ailts
Published September 25, 2017
It's the iPhone's 10 year anniversary. How has the smartphone shaped our generation?

Haasch: Leisure reading provides stress relief from taxing class readings

by Palmer Haasch
Published September 25, 2017
It's time to make time for leisure reading, even amongst intense course readings.

McCarthy: Making political satire great again

by Kate McCarthy
Published September 21, 2017
When things get tough, the tough get funny.

Ababiy: Don’t let Amazon jeopardize tomorrow

by Jonathan Ababiy
Published September 21, 2017
Minnesota must keep the people first in its bid for Amazon's new headquarters.

Editorial: Student debt increases warrant government action

by Daily Editorial Board
Published September 21, 2017

According a recent report by the University of Minnesota Government and Community Relations, a third of bachelor’s students graduate with approximately $16,000 of student debt, and nearly one fourth...

Letter: UMN-Twin Cities NPHC and MGC joint response to Sept. 10 article: The mysterious Greek initiations of MGC and NPHC

by Richard Pittman Jr. and Jonang Thao
Published September 18, 2017

Sunday, Sept. 10, an article was published titled “The mysterious Greek Initiations of MGC and NPHC.” We, the membership of the Multicultural Greek (MGC) and National Pan-Hellenic Councils (NPHC),...

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