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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Editorial: New housing development plans need regulation

by Daily Editorial Board
Published September 18, 2017

A new apartment complex means more housing opportunities for the people of Minneapolis and, specifically, University of Minnesota students. The student body claims a large part of northeast Minneapolis...

Haasch: Obama-era Title IX guidelines are crucial

by Palmer Haasch
Published September 18, 2017
A roll back of Title IX guidelines regarding sexual assault cases would hold ramifications for victim-survivors

Ailts: In the wake of Harvey and Irma, it’s time to reconsider how we’re donating

by Ellen Ailts
Published September 18, 2017
Responsible donating is a critical factor in providing victims with the help they need.

Ababiy: My favorite spot on campus

by Jonathan Ababiy
Published September 14, 2017
The Mississippi River makes UMN a beautiful place to live and learn.

Letter: Board of Regents must act to protect DACA beneficiaries

President Eric Kaler, Regents of the University of Minnesota, and general public, On behalf of La Raza Student Cultural Center, the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers — UMN Chapter, the Minnesota...

Letter: Minneapolis leadership on menthol tobacco should be applauded

by Chris Gracheck
Published September 14, 2017

The City of Minneapolis recently passed an ordinance restricting the sale of menthol tobacco to adult-only tobacco shops. The City Council recognized the danger that menthol tobacco poses to young people...

Naik: The need for campus debate

by Anant Naik
Published September 14, 2017
We need institutions that promote debate on campus.

Editorial: International student groups should be safe space for all

by Daily Editorial Board
Published September 14, 2017

Student groups are an important part of college life. For many students, they are a place to find a sense of purpose and community.  International student groups are especially valuable because a...

Editorial: Protect DACA beneficiaries

by Daily Editorial Board
Published September 11, 2017

Tuesday, Sept. 5 marked a dark day for some 800,000 beneficiaries — and many more supporters — of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. President Donald Trump announced that he...

Ailts: How can we learn to think for ourselves?

by Ellen Ailts
Published September 11, 2017
Ivy League professors are urging their students to think for themselves; how can we go about achieving this goal?

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