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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Enemies of pragmatism, friends of pragmatism

by Jake Perron
Published September 10, 2007
There is little room for pragmatism when your adversary has religious ideology on his or her side.

AFSCME fighting for better job future

Published September 7, 2007
The AFSCME workers are not just fighting to win back well-deserved pay raises.

Keeping our time so it doesn’t fly

by Kelsey Kudak
Published September 6, 2007
Have students lost the ability to bide time in their scheduled lives to Facebook?

It’s all about the degree, isn’t it?

by Paul Hamilton
Published September 6, 2007
Adults going back to school is the fastest-growing college demographic.

From the classrooms to the streets

by John Hoff
Published September 6, 2007
Most incoming freshmen have never known the insane waves of hope we felt following the so-called "Battle of Seattle."

Minnesota nice, or not!

by Jake Perron
Published September 6, 2007
"Really"nice, or really "nice." Musings on our state images.

Navigating the textbook market

Published September 5, 2007
It's like a game of hot potato. You don't want to be stuck with a book that is rendered worthless and obsolete.

AFSCME workers are vital to U

Published September 4, 2007
The underlying message of an e-mail sent by Provost E. Thomas Sullivan devalues the worth of AFSCME members.

Lead paint democrats

by Jason Stahl
Published August 15, 2007
The problem with Sen. Amy Klobuchar and others.

A bridge to the past to move forward

Published August 15, 2007

This generation of Americans has a rendezvous with destiny." Such was a characteristic bloviation from the father of modern American political windbaggery, Franklin D. Roosevelt. Nevertheless, he sure...

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