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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Bridge disaster a taste of routine Iraq reality

Published August 8, 2007
Think of how many bridges and buildings have been bombed to smithereens in Iraq.

Staff worked hard to cover bridge collapse

by Emily Banks
Published August 8, 2007
Today we are especially proud to give you this newspaper.

Appreciating the ellipsis

by Kate Nelson
Published August 8, 2007
Your years and months and days are made up of seemingly trivial tasks that are overshadowed by "big deals."

America falling down

Published August 8, 2007
The United States' infrastructure is slowly coming apart. Still, the government does not spend adequate funds to insure the ground on which Americans stand is secure.

The value(s) of Barry Bonds

by Jason Stahl
Published August 1, 2007
How can sports be "cleaned up" of steroids?

Living outside the lifelessness

by Kate Nelson
Published July 25, 2007
Stories are about people just as life is about people.

Who is the enemy?

by Jason Stahl
Published July 18, 2007
Who exactly the United States is fighting in Iraq and why it matters.

Not losing your head (sometimes)

by Kate Nelson
Published July 11, 2007
Despite my superstitious nature, I'm not sure how much faith I can place in everything happening for a reason.

Michael Moore’s politics, part II

by Jason Stahl
Published July 3, 2007

I have been writing columns for the Daily for 10 months now, and in that time there have been a few moments of regret. One of these occurred after my last column "Michael Moore's Politics" ran in the June...

Debts beyond our means

Published June 27, 2007
The loan industry has put the U.S. financial system at risk.

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