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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Debts beyond our means

Published June 27, 2007
The loan industry has put the U.S. financial system at risk.

Michael Moore’s politics

by Jason Stahl
Published June 20, 2007

Two weeks ago my mom left me a message informing me that I would absolutely need to watch Oprah that day because Michael Moore was on the show talking about his new film "Sicko" - a documentary on the...

The not-so-white elephant

Published June 20, 2007

Ah, the White House. We hardly knew ye. After years of characteristically nativist lip service denouncing undocumented immigration and tacit support for a proposed 2,000-mile steel fence along the United...

Doom or boom: energy and climate woes

Published June 13, 2007
The United States contributes the most CO2 - the main cause of warming.

Assessing an obsession with seriousness

by Kate Nelson
Published June 13, 2007
Despite popular belief, frivolousness doesn't deserve any less merit than seriousness does.

On the lower-tier candidates

by Jason Stahl
Published June 6, 2007
The "lower-tier" presidential candidates are important because they air views often considered "out of bounds."

Beyond vegetarian health benefits

Published May 30, 2007

In our society, we often only seriously consider an event if it directly affects ourselves or our loved ones. It is the "what's in it for us" mentality. I find this attitude deeply troubling, especially...

Derailing our culture of complaining

by Kate Nelson
Published May 30, 2007

It's a scenario that doesn't require much imagination. Your relative/roommate/significant other walks into the room describing the seemingly unending neckache that's been plaguing him or her. And rather...

Doom or boom: perceiving our puzzle

Published May 23, 2007

Professors and pupils weave together expertise and experience. From this process, they generate knowledge, understanding, passion and direction. Mentors hope students will develop the expertise necessary...

The torture party

by Jason Stahl
Published May 23, 2007
Last Tuesday's Republican presidential debate showed near-unity on one issue - the party's embrace of torture.

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