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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Good night, good luck

by Adam Elrashidi
Published May 4, 2007
This paper will always only be as good as you, the reader, help to make it.

Standing up for the most vulnerable

Published May 3, 2007
Embyonic research treats tiny humans like expendable pieces of raw material with which we might experiment.

So long, and thanks for all the fish

by Adri Mehra
Published May 3, 2007
The pen is mightier than the sword. Sorta.

It’s not your father’s Farm Bill

by Holly Lahd
Published May 3, 2007
Even as students on an urban campus, we all have a stake in the new Farm Bill.

Picking a mate is like picking a president

by Quynh Nguyen
Published May 2, 2007
Why shouldn't we expect a president to be as strong, supportive and team-oriented as a loving partner?

Going cage-free sets example

Published May 1, 2007
This success at the University is a wonderful example of what an effective college campaign can achieve.

My love, my life: my TV

by Katharine Hargreaves
Published April 30, 2007
Keep in mind that your family is sometimes all you have - and perhaps the only thing you need.

Sit still and look suitably profound

by John Hoff
Published April 30, 2007
Beneath the surface of this message, muted criticisms of the Bush administration's botched war effort seemed to bubble.

The politics of the Dream Act

by Jason Stahl
Published April 30, 2007
Trying to make sense of the Dream Act and Gov. Pawlenty's veto threat.

Looking forward to looking back

by Kate Nelson
Published April 27, 2007
Take a deep sigh of relief, for you are a young, typical college student.

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