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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Bruininks must answer for Coca-Criminals

by Adri Mehra
Published April 26, 2007
The University must be a responsible world citizen.

What all-campus elections?

by Holly Lahd
Published April 26, 2007
Perhaps students weren't interested in the MSA presidential election because the candidates' platforms were rather dull.

Java programmers go home

by Darren Bernard
Published April 26, 2007
Companies are desperate for high-tech workers, so Congress kicks them out of the country.

On wartime exodus and fugee blues

by Ramla Bile
Published April 25, 2007
The Iraq refugee crisis encourages the international community to consider refugee responsibility.

Question your diet

Published April 24, 2007
We need to start changing the way our food gets to the dinner table.

What’s in a name?

by Jason Stahl
Published April 23, 2007
Introducing some alternative names for The Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003 that describe the Act's hidden realities.

This lunchmeat election was a farce

by John Hoff
Published April 23, 2007
If "ham sandwich" had been a choice on the ballot, hungry students would have voted for it.

Supporting the Second Amendment

Published April 23, 2007
It protects the individual right to self-defense in a way analogous to the First Amendment's protection of speech.

The Supreme Court’s new moral authority

by Abby Bar-Lev
Published April 23, 2007
Justice Kennedy's opinion in the recent decision to uphold an abortion ban needs dissection.

“It is truth that makes us free”

Published April 20, 2007
History will view the Iraq war as it views the Vietnam War today.

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