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Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


September 11 from the other side of the world

Published September 18, 2006
The horrible and fear-mongering prophecy of a clash of civilizations is indeed a possibility.

Boycott the Potbelly sandwich shop

by John Hoff
Published September 15, 2006
Potbelly customers can select their "personal pig" from a closed-circuit monitor, then watch and smell the fun.

Announcing El Grito at Coffman Union

Published September 14, 2006
Our team is diverse and passionate about the issues that affect many communities.

The end of the global warming debate

by Holly Lahd
Published September 14, 2006
With the debate over, the media need to stop giving the skeptics airtime.

Lebanese persistence and American perceptions

by Ramla Bile
Published September 14, 2006
Question what constitutes collateral damage and what is viewed as heinous war crimes.

Music industry ‘tabs’ out yet again

by Adri Mehra
Published September 13, 2006
Why can't we learn to play songs together?

Mall preachers raise questions

Published September 13, 2006
CASH is a group for those who question dogma and think for themselves.

Give credit to non-endorsed candidates

by Abby Bar-Lev
Published September 12, 2006
The DFL primaries present opportunities to support progressive candidates who were not endorsed by the party.

Plan B is smart medicine for society

Published September 12, 2006
Letting medical decisions be guided by political or religious agendas is dangerous.

Time to get real about bike safety

by John Hoff
Published September 11, 2006
Bikers die in the street, yet University officials tell us to get off the sidewalks.

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