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Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Whose Tube? Our Tube? YouTube!

by Adri Mehra
Published September 6, 2006
The new "must-see TV" is now a double click away and is bringing in people in droves.

You are now being stalked. 1:42 a.m.

Published September 6, 2006
Eeek! Facebook has made some new changes that track users' actions.

Everybody gets out of here alive

by John Hoff
Published September 5, 2006
Too many University students tragically died in the previous school year. This year, together, we will do something about it.

The Daily has not been destroyed

by Anna Weggel
Published September 5, 2006
This year's Daily: Moving and shaking across the street and into your hands.

Achieving real energy independence

Published September 5, 2006
Energy independence must mean more than further drilling and mining.

Dinkytown’s past meets students’ present

Published September 5, 2006
We are connected to the space that we move through each day.

If this is your paper, this is your page

by Frances Zerr
Published September 5, 2006
Students, faculty, alumni, neighbors, groups, etc.: The Opinions page depends on you.

Money trail doesn’t end at Green Party

by Adri Mehra
Published August 16, 2006
Sorry, Federal Bureau of Investigation, but justice is about more than busting hippies.

What is the meaning of the Shoe Tree?

Published August 9, 2006
Maybe some mean, "Don't bother coming back for your boots at the foot of my bed."

Clearing the air around stem cell study

Published August 9, 2006
The University is committed to continuing legal research.

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