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Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


No computer should go to waste

Published August 2, 2006
Recycling unwanted electronics supports the reuse of valuable raw materials.

Hanging out on the ‘Fringe’ of summer

by Adri Mehra
Published August 2, 2006
Bask in one of our more unique cultural offerings at the Minnesota Fringe Festival.

A buffet of buses to sample and enjoy

by John Hoff
Published July 26, 2006
It's the dedicated mass transit riders who witness the spectacular spectacles.

Eating on our lobotomized democracy

Published July 26, 2006
Political spins are evidence that we have let our Great American Democracy atrophy.

Mirror, mirror, on the world’s wall

by Adri Mehra
Published July 19, 2006
Who is the fairest of them all? Well, it used to be us.

Funding proposals question priorities

Published July 19, 2006
The University is pushing for "academic excellence" by building a stadium.

Bob Dylan lived here

by John Hoff
Published July 12, 2006
A sense of belonging will keep students from kicking the glass out of bus shelters.

Waving the sandspangled banner

by Adri Mehra
Published July 5, 2006
My country 'tis of thee, sweet land of hot chai tea, of thee I sing.

Freedom of the press isn’t free

Published July 5, 2006
The Bush administration punishes those who print unfavorable news.

Time to put ‘animal science’ out to pasture

Published June 28, 2006
Universities should not put service to private industries above public interest.

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