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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


All aboard the No. 16 bus

by John Hoff
Published June 28, 2006
I feel the rush of my blood, and I'm thankful it is not pulsing from a stab wound.

To bi or not to bi – that is the question

by Adri Mehra
Published June 21, 2006
Have girls really gone wild? Have we all? The "girl-on-girl" abstract might be muddying sexual self-actualization.

Double the women’s rest rooms

Published June 14, 2006
"Separate but equal" is not equal, not when you consider the average rest room wait time for men and women.

Wearing out a welcome by attacking trees

Published June 14, 2006
Students should work with permanent residents instead of against them.

The greatest show that never lived, here

by Adri Mehra
Published June 7, 2006
Nothing short of ethnic genocide unites and divides the world's peoples like their football teams.

Yearlong leases hurt students, economy

by John Hoff
Published May 31, 2006
June's rent comes due on an apartment which is empty or subleased to, for example, stoners.

A young woman and a community lost

by Ramla Bile
Published May 31, 2006
The search for Sudi Bashir Abdi shows a dichotomy of social othering.

Stadium makes big sucking sound

by Adri Mehra
Published May 24, 2006
The proposed price tag of $250 million is a lot for indoor recess, people.

Get a jump-start on summer art

by Adri Mehra
Published May 5, 2006
From May to August, video games shouldn't have to exist at all.

Remembering the General College in its closing days

Published May 5, 2006
The conflict between those dedicated to elitism and exclusion and those struggling for democracy continues.

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