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Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


You’re afraid of house centipedes

by Mat Koehler
Published April 11, 2006
I found Steve squatting in the middle of the laundry room with wide and teary eyes.

Dew the right thing in this year’s MSA election

Published April 11, 2006
Anthony Dew has worked on student issues rather than working connections.

The minor consent law needs your support

by Jason Ketola
Published April 10, 2006
Opponents to the law live in a fantasyland, exhibiting a gross neglect of responsibility.

Movements of positive social change on campus

Published April 10, 2006
Few other dining services have put up as much resistance to change as UDS has.

When will the Daily care?

Published April 10, 2006
Truth be told, bicycle thefts are a top priority for UMPD; always have been and always will be.

A beacon of educational light

by Jason Ketola
Published April 10, 2006
Those disgruntled with the University should notice the good happening here, such as Phil 4326.

Bringing women’s issues from the shadows

by Abby Bar-Lev
Published April 10, 2006
It is crucial that students band together this month to increase awareness of sexual abuse.

Immigrants under corporate boots

by Nathan Paulsen
Published April 10, 2006
Congress should grant all undocumented workers permanent residency and a clear path to citizenship.

U pays attention to Coca-Cola scrutiny

Published April 10, 2006
Coca-Cola representatives informed us of steps Coca-Cola has taken.

An open letter to the savior of Dinkytown

by Adri Mehra
Published April 7, 2006
You're not a slumlord; you're a 'fun'-lord! Save us from chain restaurants and false taste.

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