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Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


To property owners, help is on the way

Published March 29, 2006
Thousands of Minnesota properties now are threatened with private commercial development.

Educate yourself about abortion issues past and present

Published March 29, 2006
There should not be one child without a home, food or adequate education if there are so many pro-lifers.

Promote biological science

Published March 29, 2006
The University has potential to capture a national leadership position.

Diet Coke is the devil’s drink

by Jason Ketola
Published March 29, 2006
Diet pop is a bad, bad thing. Here are some reasons we should stop drinking it.

Diet decisions should be pro-choice

Published March 29, 2006
The idea that we are morally obligated to give up meat is ignorant and unfeasible.

Cows and chickens love being food!

by Mat Koehler
Published March 28, 2006
Factory farms seem more like religious summer camps than horror houses.

Land of opportunity and immigration

Published March 28, 2006
Punitive programs will do more harm than good for the situation as it stands.

Representing the other half

by Abby Bar-Lev
Published March 27, 2006
Students this year have a rare opportunity to substantially change the Minnesota political landscape.

Peter Singer has some good ideas but his logic is faulty

Published March 27, 2006
Singer's philosophy almost worships "consciousness," and is a major downfall.

Euthanasia not that way

Published March 27, 2006
We have found that most people are more interested in having the option that using it.

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