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Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


My coming to terms with animal suffering

by Jason Ketola
Published January 30, 2006
We can recognize the problems with battery-cage eggs without compromising any of our other values.

A win-win for students and other neighborhood residents

Published January 30, 2006
I must introduce myself as the student liaison for the Marcy-Holmes neighborhood.

President kicking students to the curb

Published January 30, 2006
Section 8 housing changes are leaving students in the lurch and without rent money.

My experience with homophobia in a heartland university

Published January 30, 2006
A professor details the destruction of a music program and the bureaucratic fuses behind it.

The story of our lives

by Nathan Paulsen
Published January 27, 2006
Despair is a public health epidemic fueled by culturewide emotional neglect and social problems.

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act scrutiny

Published January 26, 2006
FISA is a classic example of a law congress never should have passed.

Resolve to get involved

by Britt Johnsen
Published January 26, 2006
The Daily is among many groups involved in the Student Services Fees process.

The U must stop supporting cruelty

Published January 26, 2006
University of Minnesota stuents can wipe fear and misery off the menu.

I don’t believe Charlotte

by Diana Fu
Published January 26, 2006
Tom Wolfe's novel "I am Charlotte Simmons" at least provoked me to recant my undergraduate years.

What’s behind your lunch? Part 5

by John Hoff
Published January 26, 2006
How can a company like Aramark be so badand yet keep making money hand over fist?

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