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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


America is dead wrong to kill its own

by Adri Mehra
Published January 17, 2006
Where are the moral values in the death chamber? How was justice served?

Change needed in sex-ed curriculums

Published December 14, 2005
Only abstinence programs are sanctioned by the government.

Pay attention, communist liberal slime

by Mat Koehler
Published December 13, 2005
Any tolerance for gay people, even if it's listening to Elton John, is perverted.

Paul Zerby will be missed as people reflect on his record

Published December 12, 2005
Zerby is from a different time, when people disagreed without resorting to character assassination.

Branding Iraq with al-Qaida

by Nathan Paulsen
Published December 12, 2005
With every passing Iraqi death we lose another piece of our humanity. How can we or Washington justify the mass murder of thousands?

Equal rights amendment overdue

by Abby Bar-Lev
Published December 12, 2005
Until we unite as a nation, the rest of the world has every right to view us in the light of hypocrisy.

What to believe in a battle of propaganda

Published December 9, 2005
The rise of the the disastrous collusion of human-rights speak and foreign policy.

Out with the blue, in with the green, part two

by John Hoff
Published December 8, 2005
It wasn't enough that little progress has been made. A Zerby supporter argues students made the slums in which they live.

Propaganda or my experience?

Published December 8, 2005
It saddens me that I have to defend myself first to express how I feel about Falun Dafa.

Consequences of a Justice Alito

by Darren Bernard
Published December 8, 2005
Alito could have big consequences for the country, but he's hardly radical.

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