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Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


U.S. doing what it can in Iraq

Published September 16, 2005
This process is not easy; it takes time and much effort from both sides.

The culture and dignity of crossing over

Published September 15, 2005
I traced my family's traditions to preserved traditions of the Akan people of Ghana.

A continent and a house of cards

by Darren Bernard
Published September 15, 2005
As Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez grows bolder, Uncle Sam could find a new national security crisis south of the border.

Facing shame and economic inequalities

Published September 15, 2005
Acknowledging class inequalities and privilege doesn't perpetuate problems.

Perspective and questioning the paper we’re printed on

Published September 15, 2005
Between 70 and 100 percent of trees used to make newsprint, which is what newspaper is printed on, are cut from virgin forests.

University’s X.500 e-mail, a monument to idiocy

by John Hoff
Published September 15, 2005
If the University were an animal, X.500 would be a lack of opposable thumbs thwarting our ability to make decent tools.

Meet your readers’ representative

by Molly Moker
Published September 14, 2005
I keep the Daily accountable to its readers. I need your help to do my job.

What can the U do for me?

by Mat Koehler
Published September 13, 2005
I want those tuition fees back, or else the U can fund some programs more fit to my liking.

Protester editorial missed the mark

Published September 13, 2005
There is no truth to the allegation that the University does not encourage activism.

Americans and their moral obligations to help

by Jason Ketola
Published September 12, 2005
There are billions of people the world over who are suffering in ways that are easily preventable today. We have a moral obligation to help.

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