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Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Talking about suicide openly

Published May 6, 2005
Higher rates of suicide among college students during finals need to be addressed.

Appreciate some trees on Arbor Day

Published May 6, 2005
The Bush administration needs to learn about Arbor Day and the importance of trees.

My little tiff with the Carlson School

by Mat Koehler
Published May 6, 2005
The education fed to these business sheep will surely wean a gluttonous generation of Wal-Mart disciples.

Polarization hinders the debate

Published May 6, 2005
Much middle ground on both sides remains unexplored by the University students and officials.

Changes wrongly weaken Title IX

Published May 5, 2005
The new policy would undermine the reason for Title IX in the first place.

Pharmacy crusaders

Published May 5, 2005
In the battle between morals and reproductive rights, a line must be drawn.

Tumbling Tories and Democrats

by Darren Bernard
Published May 5, 2005
The Labour Party's foes have treated Blair the same brutal way the U.S. left treats Bush.

A film festival for all University filmmakers and aficionados

Published May 5, 2005
The 24FPS Fest mixes student films with professional works to attract a diverse audience.

Sit-in challenges elitism and process

Published May 5, 2005
We're fighting to keep the University open to a broad public.

Letter defending industry lays a rotten egg

Published May 5, 2005
The animal science department needs to better educate its students on issues.

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