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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Democrats forcing the ‘nuclear option’

Published May 5, 2005
There is no question as to why the "nuclear option" has now become the Republicans' "best option"in the current atmosphere in the Senate.

Mortgaging your health for a little pigment

Published May 4, 2005
When it comes to tanning, the cliche You reap what you sow can be all too true.

The wrong Social Security fix

Published May 4, 2005
Young people could stop the Bush proposal if they just tuned in and voted.

If you can’t beat ’em, divert ’em

by Bobak Ha’eri
Published May 4, 2005
Don't charge graduate and professional students; turn Coffman Union into condos.

A century later,it’s still all relative

Published May 3, 2005
While there are currently geniuses working among us, none seems to parallel Einstein.

Operation Clean-up makes sense

Published May 3, 2005
While the savings to taxpayers cannot balance the budget, every little bit helps.

Challenging corporate neutrality

Published May 2, 2005
The Microsoft case questions the notion that business should stay out of social issues.

Kudos to a savvy politician

by Diana Fu
Published May 2, 2005
Lien's logic was clear: All the commonalities between China and Taiwan make peace the sensible result.

The other costs of your Egg McMuffin

Published May 2, 2005
The University can join other institutions by pledging to use only eggs from hens raised "cage-free" in its dining halls and food courts.

Building a new Twins ballpark

Published May 2, 2005
The latest Twins stadium proposal is smart and remarkably pain-free.

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