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Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


A sales tax on clothing

Published April 14, 2005
To help solve budget woes, the Legislature should consider extending the sales tax.

Combating bike theft on the U campus

Published April 13, 2005
Both University police and MSA have been making progress to fight the problem.

Time for DeLay to step down

Published April 13, 2005
Congress would be better off with DeLay relegated to rank-and-file membership.

King of pop and who knows what else

by Adri Mehra
Published April 13, 2005
We might never know the truth about Michael Jackson, but we might not want to.

Emily-Colin best for MSA, campus

Published April 12, 2005
While all tickets have the positive points, Emily-Colin balances issues and leadership.

Do not send Boltonto the United Nations

Published April 12, 2005
Nominating John Bolton certainly questions Bush's call for international cooperation.

Steroids in baseball: Who cares?

Published April 12, 2005
If steroids were legal, the market would likely come up with safe versions of them.

The facts support unionization efforts

Published April 11, 2005
Without a union, there is no process to get regular raises to keep up with cost of living.

A blogger’s thoughts on MSA elections

Published April 11, 2005
There are reasons to vote for each ticket; it simply depends on voters' priorities.

Avoiding past mistakes in Africa

Published April 11, 2005
We need to act now, or in 10 years, we will have to express heartfelt regrets about another genocide.

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