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Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Testosterone run amok on campus

Published April 11, 2005
According to the U.S. Department of Justice, one in four college women is raped.

What evangelicals and blue hair have in common

Published April 11, 2005
Rebellious urges are healthy, but there are outlets for them that can change the world around us.

GradTRAC merits a ‘Yes’ vote

Published April 11, 2005
As teaching and research assistants are not paid their market value, a union is warranted.

Better coverage of school violence

Published April 11, 2005
Media have a responsibility to show more wisdom and sensitivity in their coverage.

The facts support unionization efforts

Published April 11, 2005
Without a union, there is no process to get regular raises to keep up with cost of living.

Making it more work to visit Cozumel

Published April 8, 2005
Security is worth the inconvenience of requiring passports in North America.

University can’t write

by Mat Koehler
Published April 8, 2005
Some University e-mails make it seem as if strategic positioning is a top-secret plan for invading Canada.

Swallowing the base-closing pill

Published April 8, 2005
The Pentagon now estimates the current capacity to exceed our needs by 25 percent.

Settling Social Security’s solvency

Published April 7, 2005
Democrats want to be bipartisan on Social Security - if conservatives don't have an opinion.

Why conservatives actually hate the French

Published April 7, 2005

I was surprised when I reached the Opinions section and found a piece titled, "Why conservatives dislike the French" by Joe LaFleur. My interest in the article soon turned to disappointment when I realized...

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