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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Maintain ban on arms to China

Published March 3, 2005
The arms embargo against China is a valu-able carrot worth preserving for the present.

March madness comes to Minnesota

Published March 3, 2005
Both basketball teams are having great seasons, and the women's team is proving itself to be a perennial national contender.

Vive le depravity

Published March 3, 2005
Buying off dictators, abetting terrorists - it sounds like Jacques Chirac deserves a peace prize.

Reason triumphs over utter stupidity

by Bobak Ha’eri
Published March 2, 2005
When we look back in hindsight, we will see the ban's opponents' arguments for the craziness they are.

Keep theaters locally owned

Published March 2, 2005
Twin Cities-based management will likely feature more diverse entertainment.

Building tomorrow’s U.S. armed forces

Published March 2, 2005
A new Army division would not be expensive. It would save dollars and lives in the long run.

Funding cut coud be a death blow for Radio K

Published March 2, 2005
In today's competitive market, Radio K needs more support, not less.

Mo’ money,less problems

Published March 1, 2005
Bruininks' State of the University address delivered a clear message: Better funding can help the University "reach for the stars."

A cat that catches mice

Published March 1, 2005
China's model of dealing with overarching societal problems deserves some attention.

Get involved in local politics

Published March 1, 2005
The DFL precinct caucuses offer students a great opportunity to help pick a candidate for Minneapolis City Council elections.

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