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Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Missing the mark on HIV and AIDS

Published February 23, 2005
Focusing on risky behavior in the gay community alone is no way to eradicate HIV.

Sticking up for Bloomington

by Adri Mehra
Published February 23, 2005
Protecting our largest suburb's civic pride will also protect American Indian populations.

Students should lobby at Capitol on Wednesday

Published February 22, 2005
The University cannot handle further budget cuts without them af-fecting our education.

Congress should pass press shield

Published February 22, 2005
Making reporters reveal anonymous sources would result in a less-informed public.

Religious freedom in modern society

Published February 22, 2005
A more religiously diverse nation requires different protections of religious freedom.

A bad answer to the world’s problems

Published February 22, 2005
While trying to avoid doing so, "Hotel Rwanda" makes U.N. ineptitude painfully obvious.

A fair look at the United Nations

Published February 21, 2005
We should examine the United Nations' problems, seeking to be correct and accurate.

The real ‘culture of death’

Published February 21, 2005
The amount of sadistic violence in "Christian" media is shocking - or maybe it really isn't.

A University for Minnesotans

Published February 21, 2005
Requiring out-of-state students to at least pay what residents pay makes sense.

Minoritieshave a friendin President George W. Bush

Published February 21, 2005
While others get recognition from groups like the NAACP, the president is actually more deserving of minority praise.

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