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Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Assisted suicide is poor policy

Published February 28, 2005
Outside of ethical issues, legalizing euthanasia brings a host of secondary evils.

Immoral and impractical doctrine

Published February 28, 2005
The crucial problem with pre-emptive defensive war is identifying when it is really an unjustified attack.

‘Celebrating diversity’ is a recipe for disaster

Published February 28, 2005
Multiculturalism should be abandoned - it only helps conservatives and religious fundamentalists.

Homosexuality in the light of truth: life’s issues in practice

Published February 28, 2005

Last year, I wrote a column about how I grew up; about how I lived and about how I came to know who I was called to be. My April 23 opinion, "I was gay until Christ set me straight," made for some quite...

Students should get behind Dan Miller

Published February 28, 2005
Start by participating in the Ward 2 precinct caucuses at 7 p.m. Tuesday.

‘Superfreak’ and Vikings

Published February 25, 2005
The Randy Moss era in Min-nesota is complete; time for the reign of Napoleon to start.

Does coal now grow on trees?

Published February 25, 2005
We should not use the limited funds for renewable energy on nonrenewable energy.

Low wages show need for Union

Published February 25, 2005
A union would help graduate assistants, but strain the University's already tight budget.

An open letter to the U community from a black man

Published February 24, 2005
Recognize us for more than our athletic successes. Recognize us for the students, friends, community members and men that we are.

Join my ‘pyramid of dreams’

Published February 24, 2005
The system works by employ-ing a multitiered, level-shifting thingamabob doohickey.

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