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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


The state of Social Security

Published February 3, 2005
Bush must seek a permanent solution, but one too hastily crafted is fraught with peril.

Why we celebrate

Published February 3, 2005
As blacks, we must celebrate our past achievements to create a brighter future.

Talk radio is right and right at the ear of politics

Published February 3, 2005
Talk radio is a 24-hour-a-day marketplace of ideas - all you need is your mind and a radio.

Getting tough on sex offenders

Published February 2, 2005
Individuals who commit such disturbing crimes are often beyond rehabilitation.

USDA alters tactics to battle the bulge

Published February 2, 2005
The best route to stemming the grease-laden death tides is early and intensive education.

Fixing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Published February 2, 2005
The serious diplomats have had their shot, now it's time for the humor columnists.

History seems an ineffective teacher

Published February 1, 2005
We act as if hate and discrimination are his-tory, though events sadly suggest otherwise.

Finding one’s own Shangri-La

Published February 1, 2005
The cultural practices of the Muosuo people are liberating, if unconventional.

Black history month kicks off

Published February 1, 2005
If they recognize it at all, many simply go through the motions of Black History Month.

SpongeBob, sex and schools

Published January 31, 2005
While this controversy is unfound-ed, the fear of public schools pushing a leftist agenda is not.

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