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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


New stadium makes financial sense

Published January 31, 2005
Given the Vikings and Twins' plans, the University is right to seek its own facility.

Iraqis brave threats and vote

Published January 31, 2005
The civic responsibility displayed Sunday was an inspiring start for an Iraqi republic.

Struggling with a financial straitjacket

Published January 31, 2005
Pawlenty will not cave on his "no tax" pledge, but, hopefully, it's the last such promise.

SpongeBob, sex and schools

Published January 31, 2005
While this controversy is unfound-ed, the fear of public schools pushing a leftist agenda is not.

U’s Morris campus provides a top liberal arts education, without the private school price tag

Published January 31, 2005
Hopefully, those lobbying for the University during this legislative session will keep all campuses in mind.

How not to balance the Minnesota budget

Published January 31, 2005
The deficit will not go quietly into that good night, but neither should our commitment to social welfare.

Grasping the universe is a stiff challenge

Published January 31, 2005
In order for humanity to realize love, our world must operate free from intervention.

Iraqis head to the polls

Published January 28, 2005
U.S. and Iraqi forces face a tremendous challenge in the days ahead.

Dinkytown the city of light?

Published January 28, 2005
For safety's sake, with a little aesthetic improvement to boot, better lighting on 15th Avenue is a good idea.

Put the ‘hey’ back in the Barn

Published January 28, 2005
You all have a Barnyard animal crawling in your soul - you just don't know it yet.

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