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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Bush sneaks religion into science: Embryos are ‘human subjects’

by Matthew Brophy
Published November 6, 2002

Anti-abortion dogma is being smuggled into our scientific legislation. The George W. Bush administration recently slipped into a federal advisory committee charter the proclamation that embryos are now...

Political activism

Published November 6, 2002

This letter is written in response to the increasing amount of non-Palestinian activists protesting about the displacement, persecution and oppression of Palestinian people. I understand that it feels...

Hussein comparable to Hitler?

Published November 6, 2002

This letter is in response to Joseph Jay-Dixon's letter "Kraemer's analogy inaccurate" (Nov. 4). The vital mistake in Jay-Dixon's analysis is not the historical accuracy of his account, but that he overlooks...

No double standards

Published November 6, 2002

Bradley Nelson claims that "liberals want to wipe Israel (out) but Ö let Iraq thrive." I doubt that any liberals hold this view, let alone all of them. Those I know hold the United States, Iraq, Israel...

Don’t blame the media for shootings

Published November 5, 2002

This letter is in reaction to the political cartoon that appeared in the Daily Oct. 31. First, to draw any connection between the "D.C. snipers" and violence in the media is way off base, and trivializes...

Deceit infects political discourse

by Scott Laderman
Published November 5, 2002

Heard the one about U.N. weapons inspectors being expelled from Iraq in 1998? Or how about the International Atomic Energy Agency report claiming the Hussein regime is "six months away from developing...

Misguided outrage

Published November 5, 2002

Some Daily readers expressed outrage towards Sen. Paul Wellstone's memorial service, filling their letters with moral indignation and etiquette lectures. What a clever way to take attention away from what...

When politics is a game, democracy loses

by Matt Telleen
Published November 4, 2002

Sen. Paul Wellstone's death last month revealed some unsettling aspects of how we think about politics and elections. The first discouraging comments came from Wellstone's campaign treasurer, Rick Kahn....

Party boys, freshman girls shirk comfort for fashion

Published November 4, 2002

D By Molly Kentala oes anyone even know what season it is anymore? The sudden onslaught of snow, while a majority of the trees still have leaves, makes it hard to distinguish between early October and...

Kramer’s analogy inaccurate

Published November 4, 2002

This letter is in response to Nicholas Kramer's letter to the editor "A story for the anti-war protestors," (Nov. 1). To compare Saddam Hussein to Adolf Hitler, though a very pretty piece of propaganda,...

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