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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Liberal’s double standard

Published November 4, 2002

In her column on U.S. double standards concerning Israel and Iraq, "U.S. promotes double standards" (Oct.28), Sana Ansari made the following points: Iraq violates human rights, and Israel violates human...

Defending the memorial

Published November 4, 2002

I am writing this letter in response to Chris Schafer's opinion piece "Partisan actions at Wellstone's memorial should have been kept out" (Oct. 31). Schafer contends that the memorial should have had...

Wellstone, a rare breed, lived his beliefs

by Roxanne Sadovsky
Published November 1, 2002

In my last column I wrote that politics are nothing more than a means to fulfill the human need to connect to a group. I said issues and rants and causes become lost in the poli-babble they represent and...

Wellstone’s memory disparaged

Published November 1, 2002

I went to the "memorial" last Tuesday to pay tribute and mourn the death of a principled and honest man. Unfortunately, Sen. Paul Wellstone's memory was crassly disparaged. Wellstone was praised for respecting...

Partisan service

Published November 1, 2002

I am absolutely outraged at the shameless partisan nature of Sen. Paul Wellstone's memorial service. At one point in the service, speaker Rick Kahn called specifically on Senate Republicans for one day...

Palestinians want peace

Published November 1, 2002

In response to Ben Shlimovitz's letter ("Israelis want peace," Oct. 29), I would like to join Shlimovitz in encouraging "all readers to do some objective research before jumping on the bandwagon." Unfortunately...

A story for the anti-war protestors

Published November 1, 2002

I have a little story other anti-war protesters should hear. It's about a country that failed to live up to agreements made after losing a war. Despite promises to do otherwise, this country built up its...

Ventura did the right thing

Published November 1, 2002

It was not until Tuesday evening that I developed a profound respect for Gov. Jesse Ventura. He arrived at Williams Arena just as more than 20,000 other mourners did that night to pay his final respects...

Wellstone memorial

Published October 31, 2002

A memorial the likes of which was envisioned and carried out for Sen. Paul Wellstone and the other victims of the crash that killed them was a noble idea. Doubtless, the senator had a great following....

Loud voices

Published October 31, 2002

While marching down Washington Avenue in last Thursday's anti-war rally, I was appalled to see fellow protestors harassing people in their cars and blaming them for the Iraqi deaths to come. The rally...

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