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Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


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Avoid tows, bike safe this winter

by Meghan Holden
Published December 6, 2012
Tips for parking and biking during the snowy winter months.

U to host discussion on area sex trade

by Brian Arola
Published December 6, 2012
Leaders say it’s a ‘substantial issue’ in North Mpls.

$1.1B state budget shortfall predicted

by Jessica Lee
Published December 6, 2012
Officials prepared an alternative budget solution in case of the ‘fiscal cliff.’
Making sugar cookies is simple, and cookies can be cut out in various ways to celebrate the holidays.

College Kitchen: Classic Christmas cookies

by Lucy Nieboer
Published December 6, 2012
Master the basics just in time for the holidays.
State Sen. John Marty goes through boxes of archives Tuesday after moving into his new office at the state Capitol in St. Paul.

DFL senators move in to the state Capitol

by Marjorie Otto
Published December 6, 2012
Senators from the majority party get offices in the Capitol.

Minnesotans weigh in on environment

by Hailey Colwell
Published December 5, 2012
The Minnesota Environmental Congress Citizen Forums will give state leaders a community viewpoint.
Princeton Review operations manager Law Schuelke packs a last few items from their old location into his car on Friday outside of the UTEC building in Dinkytown.

Small business Dinkytown gem closes

by Tony
Published December 5, 2012
The UTEC building is closing to make way for an apartment complex, displacing 85 businesses.

Election Day upgrade proposed

by Brian Arola
Published December 4, 2012
In election report, Minneapolis city clerk goes over Election Day problems.
Dr. Jakub Tolar, Associate Professor of Pediatrics in Division of Blood and Marrow Transplant at the Wings of Hope fundraiser brunch with Camden Seymour, brother of Quinn Seymour who passed away because of her rare skin disease, Epidermolysis Bullosa, on Saturday in Maple Grove. EB makes the skin so fragile that it tears away from the body easily causing serious wounds and recurrent blisters.

University hospital treats harsh skin disease

by Branden Largent
Published December 4, 2012
The University’s treatment for Epidermolysis bullosa is the only one of its kind in the world.

Plasma move axed, could delay WaHu

by Tony
Published December 4, 2012
A councilman hopes to amend the zoning code, which would help CSL move.

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