Dear Dr. Date,
Ever since winter break I’ve been crazy busy. With three jobs and 17 credits, my life is a mess of Google calendars and automated reminders to eat and sleep. I occasionally have a day off, but I tend to sleep in and play video games until 4 a.m., ignoring real responsibilities.
My boyfriend isn’t exactly thrilled about my schedule. Before this semester, I had three days without classes and could often come over to his place and sleep the day away. Our time together is few and far between, and he’s started to complain about it. Last night, he told me he felt like I was ignoring him for school.
While I think he has a point — I have been spending more time on homework than with him — he’s being a little too unreasonable. Outside of reducing my schedule, what can I do?
Deep into CSE

Dear Deep into CSE,
Is your boyfriend also a student? If not, he might just not totally understand the insanity that comes with school. You can always try showing him your schedule to prove that you really haven’t had the time.
But still, don’t totally sacrifice your relationships for that #CSEGrind. Instead of holing up in the library, try asking if he wants to help you study, or maybe spend one of those days off sleeping in at his house instead. Even if you just call him between classes, you can still show your boyfriend he’s important to you without failing. And hey, it’ll be over in a few months, right?
Dr. Date