Dear Dr. Date,
Alas, my college career is coming to an end. After five long years of struggle, I’m graduating this semester and despite my fear of the real world, I’m pretty excited to leave classes behind.
Except for one class — the one with the secret love of my life. I’ve fallen head over heels for this guy in my program. My major is pretty small, so I’ve known him for a few years, but last year I realized he was even cuter than I thought. We’ve hung out together to study a few times, but it was always with other people and never romantic, so I doubt he thinks of me that way.
Before I leave the University forever, I want to tell him how much I love him and ask him out. I’m hoping for an adorable rom-com feel, but can’t think of what to do! How do I tell him we need to date without being super creepy?
Lost Love

Dear Lost Love,
Congratulations on graduating! Now let me crush your dreams before the real world can. Rom-com ideas are really only cute if both people are into each other, otherwise it comes off as weird. Also, you want to tell him you love him even though you’ve never been on a date or shown any romantic interest?! That’s DEFINITELY weird.
Don’t worry, this can still be an adorable story to tell your kids. But instead of planning an elaborate scavenger hunt with a ring at the end, slip him a cute note about how you wish you hadn’t waited this long to ask, but you’d love to go out sometime. If he refuses, you at least won’t have to see him again, but if he says yes, try not to be too overbearing and go out for coffee. Who knows, maybe one day you’ll both being crying over your student loan debt together!
Dr. Date