Dear Dr. Date,
I can’t watch sports anymore.
So, here’s the deal. My girlfriend recently told me she has a furry kink. Which is fine and all, but it’s now kinda weird to watch games with her — whether its football, baseball, hockey or literally any other sport — because she acts different when the mascots are on screen. Does she even care about sports? Am I supposed to think she genuinely likes the Philadelphia Flyers and doesn’t just like eyeing a 7-foot tall Muppet-looking Gritty? I don’t know! I’m questioning everything! And don’t even get me started on Goldy the Gopher. Never in my life did I think I was going to feel inferior (or should we say infurior) when I saw a person-sized gopher … but here we are.
What do I do? Should I tell her that her kink makes me uncomfortable and insecure? Should I abandon watching games altogether?
Unable to make heads or tails
Dear Unable to make heads or tails,
It seems like you’ve got yourself in a sticky situation. There’s nothing wrong with your girlfriend having an interesting kink, and you should be happy she’s opening up to you. But if this kink creates insecurity, now it’s time for you to open up to her and communicate that. A good relationship relies on transparency.
As far as watching sports games with her goes, maybe practice some positive self-talk when a mascot appears on the screen. Remind yourself how interesting, cool and attractive you are. That’s why she’s dating you! And if nothing else works, watch your games alone.
You shouldn’t let her kinks cause insecurity within you or ruin an activity you enjoy. She likes you just the way you are. She isn’t dating Goldy the Gopher; she’s dating you! And until that changes, you’re in the clear.
Dr. Date
Are you romantically bewildered? Are you sexually consternated, and is your relationship status a little too complicated? Want advice from the Minnesota Daily’s in-house love doctor? Email Dr. Date at
Banana republic 89
Jul 3, 2021 at 11:02 am
Dr date. You never responded to my
Feb 16, 2021 at 1:41 am
With an attitude like that, she should give you the boot with a side a of Ray Charles Hit the Road Jack.
Joe Strike
Feb 14, 2021 at 2:22 pm
If she asks you to put on a mascot suit, do it! I guarantee you you won’t be sorry – and you won’t believe what it does to her!