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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Limits on teen driversreasonable, necessary

Published May 28, 1996

With palms sweating and hearts racing, many Minnesota teens are feverishly studying their driver's training manuals in preparation for an upcoming exam. Hopes of climbing behind the wheel alone for the...

NBC’s ‘Friends’ pathetically infantile

Published May 28, 1996

As cultural phenomena go, the show "Friends" is as big as it gets. TV's premiere 20-something sitcom has it all: attractive stars, a hit theme song, a suitably quirky sense of humor, a choice time slot...

Youth find culture at festival

by Sara Goo
Published May 28, 1996

When an elementary school class visited campus Friday, University students tied white strings around the children's wrists. The significance of the strings was just one thing Marcy Open School students...


Published May 28, 1996

And the LORD said unto Satan, whence comest thou? Then Satan said, From roaming the earth and patrolling it. And the LORD said unto Satan, hast thou considered my servant Elmo? that there is none like...

Police suspect work of arsonist

Published May 28, 1996

Minneapolis Fire Department investigators think arson was the cause of a fire Friday near the University's Mineral Resources Research Center. Members of the fire department's station 19 responded to a...

Israeli parliament member dies

Published May 28, 1996

JERUSALEM (AP) -- Haike Grossman, a leader of the Jewish resistance against the Nazis in occupied Poland who became an Israeli parliament member, died Sunday after being in a coma for three years. She...

New system proposedto sort student groups

by Brett Knapp
Published May 28, 1996

Student organizations will see their relationships with the University on legal and financial matters more clearly defined if the Senate Committee on Student Affairs approves a proposal to revise certain...

Professor wants to humanize schools, society

by Jacquelyn Olson
Published May 28, 1996

Flute music fills a room lit only by natural light, and the cleansing ceremony begins as students breathe deeply the smoke from the burning sage blown toward them with a feather. The music stops. Every...

U sends Grove and Simonsen to NCAA meet

by Tim Klobuchar
Published May 28, 1996

One year ago a specialist told Andrea Grove that a stress fracture in her back might prevent her from ever running again. She was inactive, about 12 pounds heavier than normal, and terrified that she'd...

Catholics disputechurch issues

by Molly Armstrong
Published May 28, 1996

Two leaders of the University's Catholic community agreed that a Nebraska bishop tried to draw the lines of the church too narrowly earlier this month when he excommunicated Catholics in his Lincoln,...

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