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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Ailts: Generational conflict and the myth of the “Me Me Me” generation

by Ellen Ailts
Published October 23, 2017
Studies have shown that we aren't more inclined to narcissism than previous generations, but the negative stereotypes continue.

Haasch: The emotional labor inherent in “Me Too”

by Palmer Haasch
Published October 23, 2017
The “Me Too” campaign provides a space for healing but can also place a burden on victim-survivors.

Letter: #MeToo, as a former staffer at UMN

Published October 23, 2017

Sexual harassment can wend its way into your life under any number of guises. In one particular incident, I was having beers after work with a friend who also happens to be a prominent professor at the...

Editorial: Students should participate in public comments for sexual assault policy

by Daily Editorial Board
Published October 19, 2017

Recently, the University of Minnesota adjusted its sexual misconduct policy in response to last year’s football scandal and new federal recommendations. Last year, 10 Gophers football players were suspended...

Letter: Members of St. Paul City Council putting profits over lives

by David Bergstrand
Published October 19, 2017

I am a second year medical student at the University of Minnesota Medical School. As a future physician, I’m alarmed to see that members of St. Paul’s City Council are considering putting profits over...

McCarthy: Theater Mu reflects experiences onstage

by Kate McCarthy
Published October 19, 2017
A unique Twin Cities theater company approaches representation.

Ababiy: The NCAA does not care about academic integrity

by Jonathan Ababiy
Published October 19, 2017
The case of the UNC academic fraud scandal demonstrates the NCAA is incapable of regulating college athletics.

Editorial: Out-of-state tuition hike proposal should be approached with caution

by Daily Editorial Board
Published October 16, 2017

University of Minnesota President Eric Kaler’s proposal for consecutive 15 percent tuition increases for nonresidents would spell an almost $4,000 increase for nonresident, non-reciprocity (NRNR) students...

Haasch: New gender-neutral emojis are small, but crucial representation

by Palmer Haasch
Published October 16, 2017
Although emojis seem relatively insignificant, they are a step in the right direction to visibility to an underrepresented community.

Ailts: Open textbooks and the future of higher education

by Ellen Ailts
Published October 16, 2017
After years of the Affordable Textbook Act being reintroduced in Congress, we should pay attention this time around.

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