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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Sports: as important as oxygen

by Jon Marthaler
Published August 11, 2004
My only difficulty is that in each sport, I generally follow several teams.

Kerry’s stance on abortion is illogical

Published August 11, 2004
It's time voters demand clarity or dismiss Kerry for his inconsistency.

Commuter rail gets a jump-start

Published August 11, 2004
The Northstar commuter rail line offers benefits similar to the Hiawatha line.

Credit cards a plague upon many houses

Published August 11, 2004
In particular, students are awash in debt, drowning in fees.

Foreign Policy: Cuba

Published August 4, 2004
The United States should trade goods, not insults, with Cuba.

Athletic recruiting needs reform

Published August 4, 2004
The University need not resort to the improper recruiting techniques other programs employ.

What them white people thinkin’ ’bout

Published August 4, 2004
The left needs to trade Terry Gross and NPR for Tim McGraw and K102.

Police officers: friendly or the enemy?

by Steven Snyder
Published August 4, 2004
Has the "to bust and fine"mentality replaced "to protect and serve?"

The 9/11 commission report

Published July 28, 2004
Congress and President George W. Bush must heed their call.

Free speech in a bottle

Published July 28, 2004
Free speech is no longer free when officials can decide where it can exist.

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