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Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


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Kaler proposed U take over Fairview

by Branden Largent
Published April 4, 2013
South Dakota-based Sanford Health is also in talks to acquire Fairview Health Services. In an email to faculty and staff, Kaler said that raised 'serious concerns for the University,' and he outlined his own proposal.

Penguin colony benefits from climate change

by Rebecca Harrington
Published April 4, 2013
Adélie penguins could be among other ‘climate change winners.’
Rep. Denny McNamara responds to questions about the bill to recognize same-sex civil unions as an alternative to same-sex marriage on Wednesday, April 3, 2013, at the State Capitol.

Republican unveils civil union proposal

by Jessica Lee
Published April 4, 2013
Same-sex marriage supporters aren’t happy with it.
Senior nursing and horticulture major Shanda Demorest waters plants for the Prospect Park community garden Tuesday, April 2, 2013,. "These plants need a little extra boost before we start planting in early to mid-May, hopefully," Demorest said.

Prospect Park gardens prepare to blossom

by Meritte Dahl
Published April 3, 2013
The community gardens provide space to grow vegetables and other plants.

Dayton, Franken discuss college costs

by Jessica Lee
Published April 3, 2013
Students told the officials stories about paying for college.

College Kitchen: Say cheese!

by Lucy Nieboer
Published April 3, 2013
April is National Grilled Cheese Month. Didn’t plan ahead? The College Kitchenista’s got your back.

Kaler talks Tubby, alcohol, Legislature

by Alexi Gusso
Published April 3, 2013
He said buyouts, like $2.5 millionfor Tubby, are ‘unfortunately part of the business.’

Seeing hoarding as a mental health disorder

by Kelsey Shirriff
Published April 3, 2013
U grad students created a program that addresses unspoken issues.

Internship program aims to bring more diverse workforce to city

by Marjorie Otto
Published April 3, 2013
The program places students of diverse racial backgrounds in city departments.

Outstate intern program stalls at Capitol again

by Jessica Lee
Published April 2, 2013
Despite bipartisan support over two years, a bill to incentivize internships outside the metro area continues to stall.

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