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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Look out for Greased Lightning

Published March 16, 1997

A wave of nausea washes over you as the thick smell of grease inside the Dinkydome enters your nostrils. You quickly round a corner and find the bathrooms before retching your guts out. "I remember why...

The crying game

Published March 16, 1997

U2000, General College, Waseca, Resource Centered Management, CUFS accounting -- Hasselmo's tricked you before, and you aren't falling for it this time. Plus, you can't stand to see someone crying in front...

Busing to Margaritaville

Published March 16, 1997

You dash out of the lecture hall into the brisk evening air. Thoughts of the hot, salty nights awaiting you in Baja quicken your pace to the bus stop, where a westbound Route 16 is just pulling up. Your...

The mysterious bony finger

Published March 16, 1997

The beeping of the alarm fades in your ears as you descend the steps into the dimly lit basement of the library. Your eyes dart around the hallway, but it seems to be deserted. Suddenly you catch a glimpse...

Sweating bullets

Published March 16, 1997

You have to think fast. You swiftly decide that the mysterious villain has taken off down the sidewalk to your left, passing the Law Building and heading toward the entrance to Willey Hall that faces the...

Ooh, ooh that smell

Published March 16, 1997

You emerge from the burning wreckage disoriented by the smoke and flying glass shards. You stumble a few steps into the road, confused by the smell of frying bacon. The odor takes you back to the kitchen...

The room is spinning

Published March 16, 1997

Although his story sounds good, you decide to follow the advice your mother gave you. "Don't take rides from strangers!" she yelled as you left for school after last spring break. Maybe this is all a bad...

Takin’ it to the streets

Published March 16, 1997

You shoot the barkeep one last confused look, grab your bag and dash from the restaurant into the deserted Pillsbury Center. You bolt toward the escalators and begin to climb frantically. Your hands become...

Bag o’ smack in the face

Published March 16, 1997

You make your way to the Dinkydome, wracking your brain to figure out how on earth the Student Book Store could be involved. After all, they're the best place to sell back your old books. How could they...

The infamous T-and-A project

Published March 16, 1997

"Macroeconomics," you say. "Weren't you a photography major last year?" the bartender said. He has a strange half smile and is wearing a "Minnesota Twins -- 1987 World Champions" cap. Now that you think...

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