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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Thriller of a time

Published March 16, 1997

You feel precious time slipping away, and you realize your best educated guess is all that will save your Spring Break. You follow your nose, because you smell a rodent. You realize you have to, just this...

The only thing standing between you and spring break

Published March 16, 1997

It's Friday of finals week. You're sitting in yet another study session, this one in Willey Hall 125. The room is full of restless students trying to get a clue about what your test -- your last test of...

Running down a dream

Published March 16, 1997

You only pause a second before running off in the direction of the darkly clad man. "Forget the test!" you say aloud. Then you see the man ahead of you, within earshot. "Hey, you!" you cry. Someone stop...

Crash test dummy

Published March 16, 1997

Taking off like a bat out of hell, you sprint toward the steps leading down to the bus stop. Curse these people walking home from finals! They keep getting in the way and you lose sight of the shadowy...

Here’s a little ditty …

Published March 16, 1997

Although you were curious about the shadowy figure, the magnetic presence of Nils on the balcony lures you toward the house. As you stumble toward the radiant Hasselmo, you realize you are not alone. Throngs...

Non-quiet times in the library

Published March 16, 1997

Inside Walter Library, students are frantically searching Lumina and rifling through the microfiches. "Aaah, the madness of finals week," you think as you approach the check-out counter in the main lobby. "Books...

Sweating bullets

Published March 16, 1997

You have to think fast. You swiftly decide that the mysterious villain has taken off down the sidewalk to your left, passing the Law Building and heading toward the entrance to Willey Hall that faces the...

Break on through to the other side

Published March 16, 1997

You figure there is no way you will catch the speeding car, but you are angry and you want your ticket. And if you can't have your ticket, you want your money -- NOW. There is only one rational thing to...

Takin’ it to the streets

Published March 16, 1997

You shoot the barkeep one last confused look, grab your bag and dash from the restaurant into the deserted Pillsbury Center. You bolt toward the escalators and begin to climb frantically. Your hands become...

The man from Nowhere land

Published March 16, 1997

You decide that the disgruntled students seem to be the best lead you've had so far, so you follow them down Church Street. As the four of you approach Coffman Memorial Union, you hear crazed voices screaming,...

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