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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Response to Fake ID article

by Alex Hermanny
Published November 29, 2016

The Minnesota Daily published an article on Nov. 21 about a surge in fake ID cases at the University of Minnesota. This article contained some information about potential legal consequences of using a...

DAPL needs to be stopped by executive action

by Daily Editorial Board
Published November 29, 2016

After months of protest against the Dakota Access Pipeline, the construction seemed to have come to a standstill by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. President Obama has recently made remarks about alternative...

At Thanksgiving, don’t skip out on the conversation about politics

by Daily Editorial Board
Published November 22, 2016

In a few days, for Thanksgiving, many of us will sit down with our extended families for the first time since the most contentious, polarizing and shocking election of our lifetimes. We will be in close...

Dakota Access Pipeline must not again fall out of view

by Daily Editorial Board
Published November 22, 2016

After months of protest against the Dakota Access pipeline, the construction has come to a standstill by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. President Obama also recently made remarks about alternative routes...

Here’s why the left won’t chill out

by Kaylee Anderson
Published November 22, 2016
Responding to 'calls for calm.'

The need for comprehensive education reform

by Daily Editorial Board
Published November 18, 2016

With the election over, the time has come for President-elect Donald Trump to decide how, or — in some of his critics eyes — if he will address educational policy in this country and what to...

Clare’s birthday is Nov. 8. — this year she didn’t get the gift she hoped for.

by Kate McCarthy
Published November 18, 2016
We all struggle to adapt to this new world, but must push on.

Letter from a “professional protester”

by Alan R. Lifson
Published November 18, 2016

"Just had a very open and successful presidential election. Now professional protesters, incited by the media, are protesting. Very unfair!" — Donald Trump on Twitter, Nov. 10.Donald Trump is right....

In a Trump administration, scientists must be strong-willed

by Anant Naik
Published November 17, 2016
Funding in the future shouldn’t scare scientists.

The Republicans are In control—now what?

by Kaylee Anderson
Published November 16, 2016
The Supreme Court is still short a justice.

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