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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Without U.N. support, stay out of Iraq

Published September 18, 2002

Despite the argument of approaching Iraq multilaterally, so as to respect the political integrity of the international community, there is a much more important factor at hand that I think should make...

Giving a serious issue shock treatment

Published September 17, 2002

I find the arguments interesting when looking at the two sides of the debate over abortion in our country. On one side, you have a lively debate using ideals such as planning, choices, and reproductive...

America must regain its sense of humor

by Max Sparber
Published September 17, 2002

During the interminable television - watching hours of this Sept. 11, sandwiched between repeated images of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center buckling and collapsing in on themselves, a firefighter...

Congratulations to Tricomo

Published September 17, 2002

Congratulations to Ray Tricomo on winning the Green Party nomination for U.S. Senate, and to all the Green voters who stepped up for him. The endorsement of Ed McGaa at the statewide convention was a curious...

If you build it, I will come

Published September 17, 2002

HBy Jared Roddy ow many years have I walked past Coffman Union - a vacant shell, a once-proud building scored, scratched and broken by machines and men? How many times has a sign posted in front of that...

University should withdraw Mount Graham support

Published September 17, 2002

There are times when the pursuits of knowledge, technology and free enterprise must be weighed against the ethical costs of obtaining them: Galileo fighting the Catholic Church to prove Copernicus' theory...

A tacky attempt at humor

Published September 16, 2002

Your in-house promotion with the bandaged cat has crossed the line of good taste. What an appalling statement it makes. We here at the Brown County Humane Society work hard every day to keep animals from...

Europe says no; why care?

Published September 16, 2002

IBy Steven Snyder n the days following the Sept. 11 attacks, countries around the world rallied to the defense of the United States. Leaders proclaimed their allegiance, offered public support for the...

Fatuous pacifists

Published September 16, 2002

The commentary by Students Against War ("War on terror renews cycle of violence," Sept. 12) proved them utterly fatuous. Being against war, as opposed to being against a particular war, is simply not a...

Protect environment with legislation

Published September 16, 2002

FBy Heather Cusick rom Enron to WorldCom, corporate scandals dominated the headlines this summer. Now, as Congress returns from its August recess, senators and representatives will have the opportunity...

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