Dear Dr. Date,
A friend of mine set me up with a guy a week or so ago who she swore I would like. She told me he’s totally my type and super romantic. I told her to give him my number, and we’ve...
Dear Dr. Date,
When I made my Tinder profile, I put the typical things in my bio: major, music tastes, height, etc. Well, I kind of put ... another measurement in there. I purposefully exaggerated, so...
Dear Dr. Date,
I went out with this girl last week who seemed like the perfect match. We had good chemistry, but most important, within the first thirty minutes, she insinuated we would end up at my place...
Dear Dr. Date,
Alas, my college career is coming to an end. After five long years of struggle, I’m graduating this semester and despite my fear of the real world, I’m pretty excited to leave classes...
Dear Dr. Date,
Ever meet someone and know you connect? You laugh at each other’s jokes, have deep conversations about life and want to go back to their apartment to talk for hours? You know you’re...